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What can the association's life and what do you gain from being a volunteer?

KC Kompetenscenter has produced a couple of movies and interviews about being a volunteer in the association's life.

Be a volunteer at Skåne Stadsmission
Josefin Stegeland tells us about being active as a volunteer at Skåne Stadsmission.

Smarta kartan (The Smart Map) – Easy to do climate smart decisions
Smarta Kartan Malmö is a platform that i supposed to make it easier for the citizens of Malmö to find and be a part of initiative for sharing in the city. At the website Smarta Kartan places in Malmö are listed where you can rent, exchange, borrow, give and get. On the map you can find, amongst other things, bicycle kitchens, exchange groups, open offices, places to borrow things and digital platforms. In this movie Olov Källgarn working at miljöförvaltningen at Malmö stad tells us about Smarta Kartan and how you use it for Olof Samuelsson, counselor at Studenthälsan at Malmö university.

The Benefit of being a volunteer
Jakob Hallgren, ambassadeur

Jakob Hallgren tells us about his work as a Swedish ambassadeur in South Korea and in what way, the experiences from his volunteer work previousliy in his life has benefited his work-career. Jakob Hallgren is raised in Glumslöv outside Landskrona and has been working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SIPRI, Swedish Government Office, Folke Bernadotte Academy and has been working in Geneve, Sarajevo and more.

Become a volunteer – your contribution is needed!

Do you want to be a volunteer and make a difference? Volontärbyrån tells us about volunteering and gives advice on what you can do to get started. In addition, you will meet persons that tells us about their volunteer-work.  

The Culture helps me abide
Hannah ”Hanutten” Harvigsson

A dialogue with Hannah Harvigsson about power, desire, creation, feelings, doubts and achievement. Hannah Harvigsson is a young musician, songwriter and artist in Malmö that has campaigned and has started several different projects, most recently ”SÄG DET – SEN GÖR DET” ("Say it - then do it") that had a 3-year support from Arvsfonden. In this dialogue with Olof Samuelsson Hannah shares her own thoughts about being creative, collaborate with others and find a context to carry out your ideas. The dialogue is also about doubts, performance anxiety and the lust to create that will make it possible to abide with yourself, the life and the weekday.

How can we create a better world?

Martin Nihlgård, general secretary, Individuell Människohjälp
Martin Nihlgård talks about dedication, democracy, equality, challenges and what we can do to participate in creating a better world. Martin Nihlgård is the general secretary for Individuell Människohjälp in Sweden, an aid-organisation based in Lund and active in about ten countries all over the world. IM works with strengthening exposed individual, especially women and youth, so that they by own force can get out of poverty and exclusion. Martin previously has been a principal at Sundsgårdens folkhögskola.

Climate anxiety – Well, then DO something!
Ola Olefeldt and Olof Samuelsson, Studenthälsan, Malmö universitet

Ola Olefeldt and Olof Samuelsson talks about how we can handle climate anxiety and frustration that can arise from the feeling of ”I should do more” or ”No one else cares”. They tell us their view on how we can relate to climate anxiety and talks about how we can find the balance between "act" and to ”release” and make decisions on one's action that is sustainable in the long run both for oneself and the climate. Ola Olefeldt and Olof Samuelsson both works as counselors at Studenthälsan at Malmö university where they meet many students, in both individual dialogues, in groups and lectures.  

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